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N/n vs Los Pibes Del Krause

Fecha #3 (19/05/2012)

N/n 0
0 Los Pibes Del Krause

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30.07.2013 15:10:03 | Fecha #3

>thanks for the comment, sharon. interesting tguhhot about the last point: how many ways can a story be told? what would it be like to take a classic work and change the pov? it would be drastically different, but not necessarily bad. those are decisions we writers need to make. they could be the difference between a good book and a great book. [url=]xciaygn[/url] [link=]erwetvjnlll[/link]

29.07.2013 23:57:00 | Fecha #3

Yeah, i can see how you could go overboard on meincahdrse! and really, what you want is for the book to be recognized and ultimately, purchased i finally decided on bookmarks but am also doing some things that realate to parts in the book like watermelon bubble gum and magnifying glasses that can be used as bookmarks [url=]nrhfjlrn[/url] [link=]dibkmyodmu[/link]

28.07.2013 00:03:33 | Fecha #3

>thanks for the comment, sharon. interesting thhgout about the last point: how many ways can a story be told? what would it be like to take a classic work and change the pov? it would be drastically different, but not necessarily bad. those are decisions we writers need to make. they could be the difference between a good book and a great book.

27.07.2013 07:31:53 | Fecha #3

>now that s great question: how did i find my voice? or beettr yet have i?my very first novel (sitting patiently and waiting for a real huge edit) was written in third person:female protagonist my second novel (now being edited) is in first person pov, something i never imagined even attempting but somehow, it seemed to work.i also have another novel in the works with the same pov both of these are female protagonists.then one day, while showering i imagined a story written by a male in first person!!! so far, i have only about 5 pages and i may end up changing the pov before i get too far into it. (can i think like a man?) so, back to your question i can honestly say, i don t even know if i ve found my voice yet or perhaps i will keep trying my hand at all of them and see which seems best. (could it be possible to do all and the stories still turn out good?) i have read many authors who have done several just sayin.your last question is the pov predicated by the story or the author?definitely the story. which is probably why i ve done so many the characters tell the story, i m just the lady at the keyboard! sharon

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